Tag Archives: short fiction

Build A Story With Bryan #3

Build A Story is back in its third incarnation! As before, I’ll start us off with an opening and then it’s up to you to add a sentence or two to keep the story going. I’ll periodically post the story in progress, and then put up the entire thing at the end of July or beginning of August.

Here goes:

I knew what Jenkins did for a living, or I knew enough anyway to make me wish I knew nothing, yet when he called sounding so desperate for help it felt good to be needed again, a feeling gone cold since Mother had died, and so, ironically perhaps, against the better judgment she’d instilled in me, I agreed to cover for him for the day.

Build A Story With Bryan #1 – Only 5 Days Left!

This story has been quite a whirlwind. So far we’ve had secret identities, mistaken identities, a private eye, silver-capped shark teeth, heartburn, gats, and Ted Koppel.

Thank you all for contributing, I need your help for a few days more to wrap up the story by April 30! Here’s what we have so far:


For those who knew her, or thought they knew her, the sight of Brenda Duplicki sampling face creams at the beauty shop on Dexter two days after her death came as something of a surprise. More to the point, the Victorian frock she wore was unsettling, for age had muted its ebony folds to a dusty gray and the high white-lace color to a pestilent ocher. Suddenly, the crowd of onlookers was distracted by a high-pitched scream coming from the back of the shop.

Brenda ran out of the front door and disappeared in the crowd. But she accidentally left her purse on the beauty shop’s counter. Tossed from it, a sprawl of Turkish gold coins, an asthma inhaler and a shark’s tooth capped in silver. A passer-by, Hanley Spurl by name, idly studied the items on the countertop before his jaw dropped in astonishment. The silver-capped shark tooth was the last item the private investigator needed to find to confirm Brenda’s true identity as the notorious antiquities thief, Suzanne Zhuravlyova.

But was this the original silver-capped shark tooth or just another imposter, inconspicuously placed in the path of Hanley Spurl that would lead him on another anonymously concocted chase lasting 7.23 years? He removed the riding gloves he’d worn every day since losing the horse 6.76 years ago, and performed a pinching test on the shark tooth his mentor Sable Dakker had taught him back when they were working the aquarium murders together. The pinch test proved it to be the original; he took a puff from the asthma inhaler, and knew what he needed to do next. He had to find the woman he suspected was Suzanne Zhuravlyova and find out who she had given their child to all those years ago.

With a furtive glance in each direction, he scooped the contents back into the purse, tucked the whole affair next to the .45 in his jacket and slapped the gloves against his leg. He had only one hour to get back to Applebee’s. He paused, stricken by memories of their doomed relationship and the heartbreak he still felt. Or was it the lasagna? That was it. Hanley Spurl’s lifelong battle with lasagna was to blame. His eyes curled shut as did his fist to his chest. He didn’t see the danger approaching him because his eyes were firmly closed as he experienced a lasagna-induced agony.

There she was… Suzanne Zhuravlyova. Nobody but Hanley knew it was her because she changed yet again. This time she wore stirrup pants, a They Might Be Giants oversized T-shirt, and a cute stylish hat that complimented her eyes. And it was those eyes that said it all.

Hanley sensed her and spun, the gat already in his hand.  He aimed it square between those hazel orbs and let the lead fly.  It took her head into the next room for a chat and sent the other half of her crashing to the floor.  But wait.  Though the shark tooth was real, this Zhuravlyova was another fake, the third he’d dispatched since noon.

Hanley heard the familiar sound of police sirens in the distance, which is inevitable after a shooting spree in broad daylight, so he decided to leg it for the nearest Metro station. His heart sank when he reached the Metro stairs and saw the sign: “Closed for repairs.” And then, right when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, it started to rain. Which in turn soaked his white shirt that revealed the physique that he hadn’t paid attention to since 2004. He quickly hopped on the 189 bus southbound in hopes of evading capture. He never expected to be sitting next to Ted Koppel on a city bus!

Hanley began a quick study of this person next to him. But was it really THE Ted Koppel that Hanley had admired and dreamed of being with in an intimate setting since he was five years old? One telltale truth sign would confirm for Hanley if this was his Ted. Yes, by God , there it was the faint but distinctive body odor only Ted could exude and get away with. Hanley had a decision to make. What would he do?

To what exciting conclusion will you lead us?

Build A Story With Bryan #1 – The Story Continues

Photo by Aarynne


Writers and readers,  the story is picking up speed!

Here’s what we have so far:


For those who knew her, or thought they knew her, the sight of Brenda Duplicki sampling face creams at the beauty shop on Dexter two days after her death came as something of a surprise. More to the point, the Victorian frock she wore was unsettling, for age had muted its ebony folds to a dusty gray and the high white-lace color to a pestilent ocher. Suddenly, the crowd of onlookers was distracted by a high-pitched scream coming from the back of the shop.   

Brenda ran out of the front door and disappeared in the crowd. But she accidentally left her purse on the beauty shop’s counter. Tossed from it, a sprawl of Turkish gold coins, an asthma inhaler and a shark’s tooth capped in silver. A passer-by, Hanley Spurl by name, idly studied the items on the countertop before his jaw dropped in astonishment. The silver-capped shark tooth was the last item the private investigator needed to find to confirm Brenda’s true identity as the notorious antiquities thief, Suzanne Zhuravlyova.  

But was this the original silver-capped shark tooth or just another imposter, inconspicuously placed in the path of Hanley Spurl that would lead him on another anonymously concocted chase lasting 7.23 years? He removed the riding gloves he’d worn every day since losing the horse 6.76 years ago, and performed a pinching test on the shark tooth his mentor Sable Dakker had taught him back when they were working the aquarium murders together. The pinch test proved it to be the original; he took a puff from the asthma inhaler, and knew what he needed to do next. He had to find the woman he suspected was Suzanne Zhuravlyova and find out who she had given their child to all those years ago. 

With a furtive glance in each direction, he scooped the contents back into the purse, tucked the whole affair next to the .45 in his jacket and slapped the gloves against his leg. He had only one hour to get back to Applebee’s. He paused, stricken by memories of their doomed relationship and the heartbreak he still felt. Or was it the lasagna? That was it. Hanley Spurl’s lifelong battle with lasagna was to blame. His eyes curled shut as did his fist to his chest. He didn’t see the danger approaching him because his eyes were firmly closed as he experienced a lasagne-induced agony. 

There she was… Suzanne Zhuravlyova. Nobody but Hanley knew it was her because she changed yet again. This time she wore stirrup pants, a They Might Be Giants oversized T-shirt, and a cute stylish hat that complimented her eyes. And it was those eyes that said it all. 

Hanley sensed her and spun,  the gat already in his hand.  He aimed it square between those hazel orbs and let the lead fly.  It took her head into the next room for a chat and sent the other half of her crashing to the floor.  But wait.  Though the shark tooth was real, this Zhuravylova was another fake, the third he’d dispatched since noon. 

What will happen next? Add the next sentence or two and let us know…

Build A Story With Bryan #1 – The Story So Far

Photo by Maksim

Hey, we’re off to a great start! Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Let’s keep it going. Here’s the story as of this morning. I’ve added the very last sentence.

For those who knew her, or thought they knew her, the sight of Brenda Duplicki sampling face creams at the beauty shop on Dexter two days after her death came as something of a surprise. More to the point, the Victorian frock she wore was unsettling, for age had muted its ebony folds to a dusty gray and the high white-lace color to a pestilent ocher. Suddenly, the crowd of onlookers was distracted by a high-pitched scream coming from the back of the shop.

Brenda ran out of the front door and disappeared in the crowd. But she accidentally left her purse on the beauty shop’s counter. Tossed from it, a sprawl of Turkish gold coins, an asthma inhaler and a shark’s tooth capped in silver. A passer-by, Hanley Spurl by name, idly studied the items on the counter top before his jaw dropped in astonishment. The silver-capped shark tooth was the last item the private investigator needed to find to confirm Brenda’s true identity as the notorious antiquities thief, Suzanne Zhuravlyova.

 But was this the original silver-capped shark tooth or just another imposter, inconspicuously placed in the path of Hanley Spurl that would lead him on another anonymously concocted chase lasting 7.23 years? He removed the riding gloves he’d worn every day since losing the horse 6.76 years ago, and performed a pinching test on the shark tooth his mentor Sable Dakker had taught him back when they were working the aquarium murders together.

Okay, so where will you take the story next?

Build A Story With Bryan

Photo by Paul Keheler

Anyone in the mood to write a story with me? Here’s what I propose. I’ll start us off with an opening sentence, and if you’re inspired to continue the story please write the second sentence in the comment box. This will be on a first come first written basis, so whenever you join in please build off the last sentence written in the comment box immediately preceding yours. We’ll go for the rest of April, the goal at the end of the month being a stand-alone piece of short fiction.

For the sake of variety, I’d like to limit each participant to 2 sentences per week, and if there’s a lull I’ll jump back in and add something. Other than that, there are no rules, feel free to take the story wherever you want to go. I’ll check in periodically and repost the story with the sentences created so far, and then at the end of the month I’ll post the entire piece for all to enjoy.

Here’s the opening line for April:

For those who knew her, or thought they knew her, the sight of Brenda Duplicki sampling face creams at the beauty shop on Dexter two days after her death came as something of a surprise.  

Let the building begin!