Tag Archives: Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

LA Times Festival of Books 2014 – What Struck Me

Photo by Carolyn Kraft

Photo by Carolyn Kraft

Did you make it out to last weekend’s LA Times Festival of Books? Tell me about your experience. Go on. Which booths did you visit, which food trucks? What panels did you see, and how many books did you buy? Me: Upteen booths, zero food trucks, seven panels ranging from YA novels to Goodreads to literary agents to B.J. Novak talking about his debut story collection.

And only ONE book purchased.

Say wha? Yes, that’s correct, one book, but you pack the wallop of five books don’t you,  Tenth of December, by George Saunders.

Anywho, what has become something of a spring tradition here on the blog, I’ve transcribed some of the comments that struck me from this year’s festival author panels, and a few conversational nuggets I picked up while traversing the USC campus. Enjoy:

“Ghost stories often wrestle with very poignant moral questions.”

“I’ve been trying to have a ghost experience for 25 years.”

“What is going on with me at the time I’m writing ends up in the book–as long as it rings true emotionally.”

“Walking plays a key part in my writing process.”

“I read all of my writing to my dog.”

“If you’ve written something that you think is as good as the writers you aspire to be, then it’s probably over for you.”

“As long as we have feelings we have potential for stories.”

“Every book is like starting over every time.”

“If you write every day and read every day, you open yourself up to stories unconsciously and consciously.”

“We can really only read the best stories as a child and adult simultaneously.”

“I don’t want to write stories for children that read like they were written for children.”

“I write books to deal with the problems that I have.”

“I don’t like being labeled ‘YA’. I don’t even know what a ‘Young Adult’ writer is.”

“You told the biggest possible story in the smallest possible way.”

“I write about teenagers; if they choose to read the books that’s great.”

“Getting the reader to love the character is the trick.”

“I didn’t wait until I was an adult to write for teens because I needed the emotional distance; I waited because I needed the skills.”

“Writing is self-seduction and I think it’s important to indulge that.”

“A combination of coffee and shame motivates me.”

“Steven Spielberg said it’s important to make your office the best place in your house so that you’ll always enjoy being there.”

“I’ll just give you my gun and when you find the food trucks fire off a few rounds.”

“Readers are the most sociable folk when they aren’t being antisocial.”

“Genre is the gateway drug to wider literature.”

“Raw denim jeans.”

“There’s a lot more to life than being a writer; being a dedicated reader is a great thing too.”

“A little bit of research goes a long way: an ounce of research can produce half a pound of fiction.”

“I met a writer who wanted to do a book about 1-900 numbers.”

“We want to hold you to your own best standards.”

Who said this stuff: John Boyne; Ransom Riggs; Francesca Lia Block; Jonathan Auxier; E. Lockhart; Rainbow Rowell; John Corey Whaley; Andrew Smith; B.J. Novak; a hungry, frustrated cop; Patrick Brown; David Kipen; Michelle Meyering; Betsy Amster; T. Jefferson Parker

Festival of Books 2013 – What Struck Me Part 1


Photo by Carolyn Kraft

Photo by Carolyn Kraft

The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is always a great time, and this past weekend’s event did not disappoint. And how could it, really, with two full days on the beautiful USC campus where books and authors reigned supreme?

If you were there I’d love to hear about your experience. In the meantime, here’s a sampling of what struck me from Day 1’s author panels and, in a few instances, my own casual eavesdropping on some unsuspecting festival-goers:

“The music of the writing has to marry the story being told.”

“It’s a fun challenge to describe something from another art form.”

“Hell yes it’s an antiwar novel!”

“There’s a reason why 19-year olds are crazy. Whipsawed between raging hormones and the most profound existential questions in life.”

“My process is creative floundering. With this kind of work we have to create our own problems. That’s why writers are crazy.”

“I went nuclear on my publisher not to have a headless woman on the cover.”

“You shouldn’t be taken less seriously as writer because of your gender.”

“Endings are hard. There’s a significant amount of psychological pressure when you don’t know how the novel is going to end. But it’s also thrilling.”

“Flannery O’Connor said that she liked a story that was like a sandwich she eats on a Thursday and makes her sick on a Saturday. It’s got to stay with you.”

“There is no time in the psychological.”

“When you’re looking for feedback on something you need a reader who will accept the story on its own terms, who won’t try to impose on it their idea of what a story should be.”

“Stuff: In the end it doesn’t mean anything.”

“The only you fail to make something better is by not trying.”

“We can’t help but remake ourselves constantly. Have to really work at being stuck.”

“Fortune-telling: Sometimes we want to invest someone with the authority to tell us what we already know.”

“You never know what in your life you’re going to use in a book.”

“Characters who are omnipotent ruin the hell out of your plot.”

“I like to be the writer, the reader, and the character simultaneously.”

“Isabel Allende said writing is lonely; it’s the response that reconnects you to the world.”

“You can visit a country by reading its folktales.”

“Why did they give the new Star Wars movie to J.J. Abrams? I know exactly what that movie is going to be, I don’t need to see it. They should have given it to someone like Eli Roth to direct.”

“The idea that terrifies you the most, that’s the story to write.”

“Writing is not a choice. It’s like I have no choice but to write.”

“Michael Bay is actually our greatest independent director.”

“A writer has to be willing to torture his characters.”

“A story is like a piano: a finite number of keys but an infinite number of melodies.”

“Writer’s block is really just the critical voice overwhelming the creative voice.”

Those quoted above include: a group of gently snarky USC students; Janet Fitch; Ben Fountain; Lauren Groff; Elizabeth Berg; Amity Gaige; Nalo Hopkinson; Gennifer Albin; Mark Frost; Cornelia Funke; Lauren Oliver; Lissa Price; Veronica Roth; Victoria Schwab


LATFOB – What Stuck With Me Part 2

Photo by Carolyn Kraft

“Fiction is like a trust fall. Sometimes the story catches you and sometimes it doesn’t…and you wake up with a bump on your head.”

“Why is calling something realistic a compliment? Just because something’s realistic doesn’t mean it’s true.”

“Everything that talks about the human situation is political.”

“The point of every story is that there are two sides of things, both good and bad, optimistic and pessimistic.”

“I tend to write when I’m upset about something.”

“I spent fifteen hours on a plane to Argentina with a fat German next to me who farted the entire time.”

“Freeze your jeans. Kills the germs from farting.”

“Eventually every Wikipedia article leads to squid.”

“The Internet is a terrible distraction for writers.”

“Starting is just about writing sentences, collecting voices. Need to be comfortable being in the dark.”

“People really want short stories. They buy novels, but really they don’t want them.”

“Reading a work in translation is like kissing someone through a handkerchief…which does have a kinky charm to it.”

“Robert Louis Stevenson based the character of Long John Silver on a friend with all of his finer qualities removed.”

“Fiction is the exploration of the self in the world.”

“All of us are many people and writing is a way to expose our other personalities.”

“You know who’s got great beer? The Czech Republic. You should go there.”

“I write with the feeling that the book could go anywhere, that the whole premise could change in the middle of a sentence.”

“Form is what makes fiction transcendent.”

“As Robert Frost wrote, ‘No surprise for the writer, no surprise for the reader.'”

“Does reading have to be a totally immersive experience? Can’t it be ‘I like this story/I like this sentence.’?”

“I like transparency in art, the idea of knowing that this was created by someone. Jackson Pollack included his own detritus in his paintings: tobacco, dirt, lint. It’s nice to feel like you’re interacting with the creation of the work.”

“There’s this whole idea of momentum in modern fiction, that the  writer has to pick a reader up and carry him or her forward and then drop them off at a certain point, unchanged, probably, at the most a bit breathless and flushed.”


The preceding witticisms and wisdom were recorded on a miniature yellow notebook on Sunday April 22 at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. The purveyors of said perspicacity were an anonymous festival-goer and the following authors: Etgar Keret, Sara Levine, Ben Loory, Amelia Gray, Elizabeth Crane, Ben Ehrenreich, Mark Leyner, and Aimee Bender.